
A glossary of parliamentary terms

A-Z index of glossary terms

Use the letters below to reveal a list of glossary terms.



General Election

A General Election is held at least once every five years. This is when people of the UK over the age of 18, and is eligible to vote has the opportunity to choose Members of Parliament (MPs) who will represent them in the UK Parliament.

Last Updated 16/12/2024

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Government of Wales Act 2006

This Act, passed by the UK Parliament in 2006, gave the Senedd powers to make laws in Wales and made changes to the way that Members are elected. The Act also separated the Welsh Government from the Welsh Parliament, commonly known as the Senedd.

Last Updated 16/12/2024

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Green Paper

Green Papers are consultation documents produced by the UK Government and Welsh Government.

Last Updated 16/12/2024

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Guidance on the Proper Conduct of Senedd Business

The Presiding Officer, having consulted Business Committee, may issue written guidance to Members of the Senedd for the proper conduct of Senedd proceedings.

Last Updated 16/12/2024

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